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Brian Kelly, former Deputy Chief EHO, company founderK. Brian Kelly, BA, MCIEH began his career as an Environmental Health Officer in 1971 , and worked his way up to Deputy Chief of Castlereagh Borough Council. He began teaching basic Food Safety to food handlers in 1984, and was the very first person in Northern Ireland to do so. Brian has been a member of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health since qualifying as an EHO , and taught Food Safety under their course structure for many years.

In 2016, Brian developed his own unique Food Safety course that meets all UK legal requirements, and can be easily tailored to ensure that staff always receive training appropriate to their specific food handling duties. The course is regularly updated with all new food safety developments, including the recent legislation on E-Coli O157 and allergens.

Brian’s Qualifications Include:

Public Health Inspectors Diploma, awarded 16 June 1971

Postgraduate Certificate in Health and Safety at Work equivalent to the Institute of E.H.O.’s Diploma in Health and Safety, awarded 1 July 1986

B.A. Degree (Open University), awarded 12 December 1983

Certificate in Health Education, awarded November 1988


In The Headlines

Brian Kelly has been featured in many headlines over the years, especially when he first began teaching Food Safety and many companies wanted to publicize their newly qualified staff.