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Amy Kelly in “Pest Magazine” Criticizing Inhumane Fake Traps

We all know the dangers of fake designer handbags and wrist watches, but did you know that counterfeit mouse traps are now on the UK market? These traps look like the name brands, but the power in the mechanism and the plastic of the trap itself may be weaker. The issue was highlighted by one of the pest control industry magazines, Pest.

The problem with the traps is that they are unlikely to kill their target in a humane way. Pest control usually means killing the pest species, but all reputable pest professionals insist that this is done as quickly and painlessly as possible. These weak traps could leave an animal suffering needlessly, which prompted BKES’s Amy Kelly to respond. From Pest Magazine, September 2017:

“Recently I’ve found an increase in very weak plastic mouse traps being used in domestic situations where the client has attempted to use traps themselves. I’ve actually started sticking my finger into the traps to demonstrate to the client how weak they are. It doesn’t even sting! There is no way such traps are humane and effective, and I welcome any legislation or public education to help consumers make good choices.”
– Amy Kelly, Senior Pest Control Technician, BKES

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